Social Media Trends

Social Media trends decide the marketing tool for businesses.

Why you need it

Social media is a great platform for you to creatively promote your business, without selling to anyone. You can showcase what you have to offer in fun and creative ways. Perhaps through humorous memes, video footage, statistical info graphics or even a simple message. Sometimes, a business will promote an upcoming sale exclusively on one form of social media in order to make it worth following. Running contests on social media has also been proven to increase followers and engagement. Additionally, social media is a platform where customers can voice their concerns directly and publicly to a business.

How much you’ll pay

There are many forms of social media and you might be charged to have each one maintained and updated. The content on social media should not be identical on all networks. So, taking the time to customize content will cost you. Monthly maintenance and updates could cost between RM250 per month to RM2,500, depending on the agency you use.

How often you’ll pay

Social Media Ads is an ongoing project, so a monthly fee should be budgeted for it. If you choose to run contests on social media, prize expenses should also be factored in.


Rebuilding trust Brands become more human, as trust in social media tightens
Social Story Offer contents in new Story format
Increasing Ads gap Marketers must up their game, as paid social media becomes more competitive
Cracking the commerce code Improved e-commerce features on social media, boosts sales
Messaging Customers demand better 1 to 1 social services

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